Notice Board image
Weekly meetings are at the venues as shown.

Wed. 3rd- Bexhill Garden Centre. 13:00
Sat. 13th - Hastings Country Park at Fairlight. 13:00
Wed. 17th - Bexhill Garden Centre. 13:00
Wed. 24th - Hastings Country Park - the helipad carpark.  Afternoon start 14:00 and will run into the evening.  BBQ!  please bring something along.
Sat. 27th - Hastings Country Park at Fairlight. 13:00

Note ! Mr Chairman will be away from July 10th to the 21st inclusive.  Club outings could be held at the old CB meeting place - Brightling Needle.  If anybody is interested please send an email, otherwise as per the venues above.

Note 2  Wed.24th evening might be at the HERC regular carpark with the Balehouse cafe.  Watch this space.

Venue addresses:
Bexhill Garden Centre (Blackbrooks). Head for Freshfields TN38 8FB then, immediately after turning into the road turn left into Lewis Avenue. It's a dead-end at the garden centre although Lewis Avenue continues as a footpath round to the big roundabout at Ravenside.  Don't get confused! If open we'll be in the overflow carpark to the right at the end.

Hastings Country Park  The carpark with the Bale House Cafe, Lower Coastguard Lane, at the top of Battery Hill. Postcode TN35 4AD.  Note:  The cafe is currently closed (although the khazi is still open) so bring your own refreshments.

The Taplin Centre  3 Upper Maze Hill, St. Leonard's-on-Sea, TN38 0LQ

Look out for the little black Mini clubman - reg. ending TVJ

Will HERC members keep an eye out for any prospective new members please.

Remember to check this website before leaving your house as sometimes there is a last-minute problem and we have to change venue and or the day, or, if there is a catastrophe, cancel.