Wed. 24th - Hastings Country Park - the helipad carpark. Afternoon start 14:00 and will run into the evening. BBQ! please bring something along.

Hastings Electronics and Radio Club - HERC

Join Our Club Today!

About our club image
G2LL    G1HHH    G6HH

HERC brings you amateur radio and electronics in the seaside town of Hastings and surrounding villages.
Please feel free to send an email for more information.

CW - Mondays 8pm 144.575Mhz - this may change so check in regularly to confirm.
2m - Every day at 10am on 144.575Mhz. If nothing heard check in to repeater GB3ES as this is now reliably operational and makes it easier for members to join the sked.
Club meet - check the 'Notice Board' calendar below.

We also hold twice weekly zoom nights - Tuesdays and Fridays at 7:30pm - members only.  Zooms are for the free 40mins.

You are most welcome to join in on our on-air skeds, no membership required although members benefit from a monthly newsletter. You are also very welcome to come along to any of the outdoor/indoor meetings to find out what goes on and after a little persuasion maybe join up and join in.

Membership details for 2024
Annual membership £12.00
Under 18 years & students £6.00
Family, where two or more people reside at the same property £18.00
Ordinary members will receive a copy of our monthly newsletter Vital spark by email.
To receive a printed copy of Vital spark there is a £2.00 surcharge.

Send an email to herc.hastings(at) for more information. Note! Please put @ in the email address instead of (at).

Notice Board image
Weekly meetings are at the venues as shown.

Wed. 3rd- Bexhill Garden Centre. 13:00
Sat. 13th - Hastings Country Park at Fairlight. 13:00
Wed. 17th - Bexhill Garden Centre. 13:00
Wed. 24th - Hastings Country Park - the helipad carpark.  Afternoon start 14:00 and will run into the evening.  BBQ!  please bring something along.
Sat. 27th - Hastings Country Park at Fairlight. 13:00

Note ! Mr Chairman will be away from July 10th to the 21st inclusive.  Club outings could be held at the old CB meeting place - Brightling Needle.  If anybody is interested please send an email, otherwise as per the venues above.

Note 2  Wed.24th evening might be at the HERC regular carpark with the Balehouse cafe.  Watch this space.

Venue addresses:
Bexhill Garden Centre (Blackbrooks). Head for Freshfields TN38 8FB then, immediately after turning into the road turn left into Lewis Avenue. It's a dead-end at the garden centre although Lewis Avenue continues as a footpath round to the big roundabout at Ravenside.  Don't get confused! If open we'll be in the overflow carpark to the right at the end.

Hastings Country Park  The carpark with the Bale House Cafe, Lower Coastguard Lane, at the top of Battery Hill. Postcode TN35 4AD.  Note:  The cafe is currently closed (although the khazi is still open) so bring your own refreshments.

The Taplin Centre  3 Upper Maze Hill, St. Leonard's-on-Sea, TN38 0LQ

Look out for the little black Mini clubman - reg. ending TVJ

Will HERC members keep an eye out for any prospective new members please.

Remember to check this website before leaving your house as sometimes there is a last-minute problem and we have to change venue and or the day, or, if there is a catastrophe, cancel.

The Hastings Radio Club was originally formed back in the 1920s and, apart from a couple of short breaks, has been around ever since.

Month on the Air image
Phil G3MGQ prepares a monthly round-up of what's happening on the bands.  Click on the link below to open Phil's latest document.

MOTA January 2024.pdf
MOTA February 2024.pdf
MOTA March 2024.pdf
MOTA April 2024.pdf
MOTA May 2024.pdf
MOTA June 2024.pdf
MOTA July 2024.pdf
Peter G0FUU will be keeping this page updated with lectures and special events at the Taplin Centre

HERC Programme 2024.  Items are subject to change or review.

27 March Operating evening
24 April A Social Evening
22 May RSGB by Keith Bird G4JED Region 10 Representative Keith will give a talk about the RSGB
26 June What’s My Thing This is HERC’s annual mystery object evening. Bring alone something weird, unusual or just little known and the collective audience will try to work out what it is. Educational or just light heated entertainment, an enjoyable evening.
24 July Outdoor afternoon and evening in the British sunshine (we hope). Operating or just a get together at Hastings Country Park (sometimes known as the Helipad), Fairlight Road, Hastings TN35 5DT. Bring along a BBQ if you wish, a portable radio, a chair and if sunny some shade. Toilets are available but parking has to be paid for. Check the noticeboard on the club website before you set off, in case there are some last minute changes: www.hastings-­electronics-­radio-­
28 August Bring Your Thing HERC’s annual construction contest for the RL Fellows G3OGS Contractor’s Award cup. The format is the same as in previous years. Members bring along something they have made, give a brief outline and then we all vote on our favourite. Projects can be anything radio, electro­mechanical, home design; built from a kit or constructed in a garage. If you have made it or modified it bring it along and show others.
25 September TBA
23 October TBA
27 November TBA
December No meeting - except for the Christmas party somewhere...

For an up-to-date review on band conditions - courtesy Paul N0NBH

Parks on the Air (POTA), Mixing Amateur Radio with the great outdoors. 

To begin with, POTA is not a competition, it is an event. 

Parks on the Air (POTA) began in early 2017 as a continuation of the ARRL’s National Parks on the Air special event. When the year-long event concluded, a dedicated group of volunteers decided to keep the event alive, leading to the creation of POTA.

So, what is POTA?, It encourages amateur radio operators to explore the great outdoors while enjoying their hobby. Whether you’re an “activator” setting up a station in a park or a “hunter” making contact from anywhere, POTA offers flexibility and fun.

To begin your Journey, sign up here: 

A getting started video can be found here: 

Rules can be found here:

CW guide can be found here:
This section has information about training videos available on the internet.
Find a topic in which you are interested and click on the associated link.

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